So you want to know more about me, eh?
I suppose that makes sense after all you are on a website that I created. If you somehow ended up on this site and have no interest in me or the ramblings I have placed here simply close the browser and go about your life. Otherwise, read on.
Who am I?
Ok so I am Tim Nugent and I am a variety of things:
- Tech book author
- Mobile app and game designer and developer
- Doctor (the PhD kind, not the save lives kind)
- Arguer
- Have been asked "what is wrong with you?" many times
- Once had an argument with a professional Crossword Constructor
- Contract iOS developer (buzz me on here if you want some work done)
What is this site?
I made this site so I could have a spot to put all my weird thoughts and complaints when I have them, if you want to see them, check out the blog.